Event #2765: Nov 30th, 2018

2018 Number Reservation Application for Racers/TT

Event Information

Date: Nov 30th, 2018

Track Name: - NONE



2018 Permanent Number Application: NASA Mid-Atlantic


NASA Mid Atlantic has a voluntary system that allows Racers and Time Trial Drivers to permanently reserve their car number for 2018 events hosted by NASA Mid-Atlantic.  HPDE drivers are unable to reserve car numbers at this time and those numbers are given on a first registered basis.  
If you have previously had a number reserved, you will get first preference as long as you register for the number online by February 21.  You may see the list at this link: 

To apply for your permanent number, Racers and TT drivers must register below.  Before you register, update your NASA online profile to make sure your car information is correct with transponder number.  Please delete any duplicates or cars you no longer have, and please make sure your transponder number is listed with the correct car.  Then proceed to the registration page.  Select the correct car and be sure and put in the "Additional Info or Comments" section your first three choices of car numbers separated by commas.  The "Additional Info or Comments" section is on the last page of registration that is titled "Review Purchases".  

In order to have your permanent number for an event, you must pre-register for your track event by Tuesday 6PM before online pre-registration closes for the event at which you wish to participate.  This system is only valid for NASA Mid-Atlantic 2018 events and your number will not be a permanent number for events hosted by other regions.  

Remember that this is not mandatory.  If you want a permanent number you can have it by registering for it below and by preregistering for the event in which you are interested.  If you don't mind taking the chance of potentially having to change your number you don't have to reserve the number.     

SWING CLASSES:  There are classes that we refer to as “Swing Classes.”  NASA Mid Atlantic normally has two race groups scheduled called Thunder and Lightning.  While most classes have a home in one of these groups, “Swing Classes” can find themselves in either Thunder or Lightning based upon overall event participation.  For example if Thunder is very full NASA MA may “swing” SpecE46 from Thunder to Lightning for that weekend even though the default race group for SE46 is Thunder.   Other “Swing Classes” are SpecZ, GTS2, Honda Challenge 2.    Those that purchase a reserve number need to be aware that we will make every best effort to maintain their number during a weekend in which a swing class gets swung but it is possible that they will be asked to change the number for that given weekend.



Registration is closed for this event!
